DANIEL DELIS HILL_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Daniel Delis Hill grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is the 9th of 11 generations from one of the First Founding Families of Tennessee. He completed his BA in art history from the University of West Florida and received his MA in art history from Florida State.
While attending high school and college, he worked as a freelance fashion illustrator, mall promotions ad designer, and media center graphics artist. In the 1970s and early 1980s, he worked as an in-house fashion illustrator for several department stores. For two years he taught in the Fashion Department of Virginia Commonwealth University before returning to the field. By the second half of the 1980s, he became interested in fashion photography and worked as a retail advertising art director and creative director.
In the mid-1990s, he joined Wentworth Publishing as Director of Creative Services and Publications, during which he began work on his first book: ​​​​​​Advertising to the American Woman 1900-1999. While at Wentworth, his team developed and launched Internet-related books, periodicals, and Websites for K-12, including Classroom Connect (later acquired by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). With his combined Web and marketing experience, Hill returned to retail in the late 1990s, developing and marketing ModernWomanOnline.com. In the 2000s, he transitioned to Web marketing, designing and managing numerous Websites for financial institution services such as Merrill Lynch and First Data.
and retailers from the nineteenth century to the new millennium. A second edition with color throughout was released as an ebook in 2022.
Hill’s seventh book Necessaries: Two Hundred Years of Fashion Accessories was released in 2015. This illustrated, comprehensive study surveys women’s and men’s fashion accessories from the early 1800s into the 2010s.
Since 2012, Hill also has written essays for the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion and the American National Biography (Oxford University), and has taught fashion history at the University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. In 2018, Bloomsbury published his Peacock Revolution: American Masculine Identity and Dress in the Sixties and Seventies. A second edition for History of World Dress in ebook format was produced in 2022, and second editions of American Menswear and Fashion from Victoria to the New Millennium were produced in 2024. Also released in 2024 was Dress and Identity in America: The Baby Boom Years 1946-1964 published by Bloomsbury. Current projects include a new book: American Culture, Dress and Identity in the 1910s.
Copyright Daniel Delis Hill 2025​
Following the release of ​​​​​​​Advertising to the
American Woman 1900-1999 in 2002, Hill wrote
As Seen in Vogue: A Century of American Fashion in
Advertising (2004.) Prentice Hall then invited him to
write the college textbook History of World Costume
and Fashion (2010), a much-needed global view of the topic that includes chapters on Japan, China, India, Africa, the Islamic Empire, and the ancient Americas. The modern era chapters of ​​​​World Costume were expanded into Fashion from Victoria to the New Millennium (2012), with greater detail, color throughout, and more than a hundred additional illustrations covering 1800 to the 2010s.
During the production of World Costume, Hill was asked by the Costume Society of America to write a history of men’s fashion to complement As Seen in Vogue. The resulting American Menswear from the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century was published by Texas Tech University Press in 2011.
During the production of World Costume, Hill was asked by the Costume Society of America to write a history of men’s fashion to complement As Seen in Vogue. The resulting American Menswear from the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century was published by Texas Tech University Press in 2011.
In researching Menswear, Hill discovered that little published research was available on men’s underwear and swimwear. Upon completing Menswear, he used his extensive collection of primary source material to produce History of Men’s Underwear and Swimwear. This in-depth, thoroughly illustrated study not only chronicles the development of these two categories of garments, ​​
but also examines their correlation to changing ideas and ideals of
​masculinity and dress. Hill further includes a detailed chapter on the marketing of underwear and swimwear by manufacturers
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